Ed Davey has apparently snapped back at John Hayes' comments about wind farms:
A source said the minister had planned to make the remarks in a speech on Tuesday night but was instructed to remove them by Davey if he wanted to deliver a speech.
The source warned: "What he planned to say was not government policy; will not be government policy. It might be what the Tory party would like to be energy policy, but it is not. He is not in charge of renewable policies on his own, he has to follow the coalition agreement which is in favour of renewable energy, and meeting our legal EU targets for 2020.
"He has been very silly to give interviews to the Telegraph and the Mail on a speech he was not allowed to deliver.
The statement then continued:
"The only way we are going to meet our targets is if we include renewable energy which is ultimately a cheap form of energy, and in parts of Wales and Scotland is popular."
thus proving beyond any reasonable doubt that the "source" is on drugs.
It's hard to tell what this all means, but I imagine that wind energy investors are having something of a squeaky bum day.