I'm due to appear at a debate in Glasgow sponsored by UKIP tomorrow. The motion is:
This meeting believes there is no evidence of catastrophic warming remotely as catastrophic as the regulations, taxes and other costs imposed to ameliorate it
Unfortunately, the organisers haven't been able to get anyone to oppose the speakers for the motion - myself, Jim Sillars, and Christopher Monckton. This is not for lack of trying. The list of people who have spurned the opportunity is extraordinary:
However, we will be going ahead regardless, so for anyone in Glasgow who wants to attend, the meeting is on the upper floor of Yates. 134-136 West George Street. Tuesday 30th October 7:00pm for a 7.30 start.
I've been contacted by Glasgow Skeptics, who say they were never contacted. The original list came from UKIP, so I guess there has been some sort of a communication breakdown.