Peter Lilley, one of the tiny handful of MPs to vote against the insanity of the UK's Climate Change Act, has been elected to membership of the House of Commons Energy and Climate Change Committee.
The times they are a-changin'.
Reaction from our green friends is predictably unenthusiastic.
David Powell @powelldsThey've elected Peter Lilley to the #ECC committee. They've actually gone and done it. It happened.
Joss Garman @jossgarmanDoes this make Peter Lilley Britain's answer to Senator Inhofe? The Tea Party tendency of Cameron's party just pulled off a little coup.
christian @chr1stianhPeter Lilley. Champion of the IPCC. Friend of Peru. Expert on Arctic Sea Ice. I welcome his appointment.
jessica lennard @JessicaLennardDetermined not to get hysterical about Peter Lilley on Decc Select Committee. Sure @alanwhiteheadmp, Byles, Yeo etc can hold their own.
Leo Hickman @LeoHickmanLet's hope Peter Lilley is more across his brief on energy slct cmmt than he was during his recent Newsnight appearance
Joss Garman @jossgarmanIn putting Peter Lilley onto the Energy Select Committee, the British parliament just took a great leap towards a US-type political culture.
Presumably, that last comment doesn't refer to a political culture in which dissenting views are permitted.
More interestingly, Leo Hickman (among others) seems to be getting excited about Lilley's business interests. The one he is concerned about is Tethys Petroleum, a London based company with interests in oil and gas in central Asia, of which Lilley is a non-executive director.
I'll have to scratch my head and work out how much of a concern this particular interest is, given where the company is working.