Buying the book
Oct 13, 2012
Bishop Hill in Climate: HTD

I'm still tied up with other things, but wanted to respond to some of the questions on Hiding The Decline. I'm self-publishing this one, so I'm doing a print run for the initial hard copy orders. The books are due from the printer next week, so I hope to have them on sale soon after that. Kindle and Epub versions are ready to go and will be available direct at the same time.

Once I'm ready to go with the direct sales, I'll put the book up on Amazon via Createspace for those who don't want to purchase direct (there are lots of people who don't want to use Paypal for example). I'm keen to get as many people as possible purchasing direct though.

In the meantime, I hope you are being kept supplied with interesting things to discuss in my absence.

[Book title corrected 15.10.13, 1.57 pm. TM]

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