Readers may remember that I had FOId the Department of Energy and Climate Change regarding a meeting held between the minister, Greg Barker, and representatives of the energy retail industry (ERA). I had been intrigued by an agenda item referring to "information on consumers' bills" and was wondering if the retailers had been wanting to disclose the cost of the government's panoply of green initiatives.
DECC initially said they had nothing in connection with the meeting - remarkably, no minutes appear to have been kept - so I queried this remarkable state of affairs. They have now released the briefing paper prepared for the minister, heavily redacted, although they insist that there is no record of the meeting. It appears that my surmise about the content of the meeting was incorrect - the discussion appears to have revolved around ministers trying to get the retailers to state their cheapest tariff on all consumer bills.
I was amused by ERA's letter to the minister:
Firstly. may we take this opportunity to congratulate you on your appointment as Minister of State at the Department for Energy and Climate Change The Energy Retail Association (ERA) and Energy UK warmly welcome your appointment at this crucial time for Britain.
Energy suppliers have been very grateful in the past for the support of you and your party on key issues affecting the industry. The forthcoming energy Bill will provide a key platform with which to guarantee energy security as well as smooth the transition to a low carbon economy. From policies such as the Green Deal, to the creation of a green investment bank, we very much hope that our organisations can provide you with support and information to develop practical solutions and policies.
It's a bit yicky isn't it?