An unexpected citation
Sep 14, 2011
Bishop Hill in Climate: HSI

Who would have thunk it? The Hockey Stick Illusion is cited in a paper in the Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. I'm reference [19] in the excerpt below.

Confirming published conclusions

Reliability of experimental data is an essential foundation in all scientific research. (As I was taught when starting research, though the importance of reproducibility is stressed less often in recent reports.) Accordingly, based on best scientific practice [19], L’vov identifies, for scrutiny, all relevant aspects of his formulation, development and testing of CDV theory [1–4]: literature sources, relevant theory, methodology, experimental data, calculations, interpretations and conclusions. Further, careful re-examinations of published data for selected rate processes would either confirm and strengthen the theory as presented [1] or identify inconsistencies, thereby opening a debate, which could lead to new understanding and insights into the reactions concerned. Such tests of this potentially influential theory are required to confirm its reliability before its application, development and acceptance.

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