Cameron Neylon is tweeting from today's ROyal Society meeting on "Science as a public enterprise". A couple of BH readers are there, so I hope to get some more detailed reports of what was said too.
Here are some highlights from the twitterers
"The focus on publication - of paper and data - is too narrow."- William Dotton, OII
Emmott: Open Science not a movement, just getting back to the scientific method
It's quite something to open your question with the statement, "I'm going to start by correcting something Sir Paul Nurse said"
mtg is heating up... Arguments about goodies and baddies in climategate... Oo er
I think "I used to run the Met Office" is probably the coolest start to a question from the floor that we will see today
From floor: "if RS only focusses on data...risk losing public trust...must also focus on the code in the computer" #openscience