The litmus test
Mar 6, 2011
Bishop Hill in Climate: HSI

Some time ago somebody asked Andy Revkin if he had read the Hockey Stick Illusion, a request that was met with what I felt was a fairly silly reply: (a) he said that he was too busy and (b) he gave a pointer to Tamino's RealClimate "review". As I pointed out in my response it was odd to see a reputable journalist pointing to such a travesty of an article - I certainly can't think of many other quotations out of context quite so outrageous as the one Tamino pulled on me.

A couple of days ago, Revkin was asked exactly the same question, and interestingly he gave a somewhat different response.

I answered this awhile back. Here's Bishop Hill's critique of my answer. The reason I don't pay much attention here is that analysis of the recent (1000-year) indirect temperature record, while important, is a distraction from the established basics that I use to frame my thinking on the need for an energy quest.

Credit is certainly due for Revkin's pointing to my response, and one can wonder if he has now referred to the rebuttals of what Tamino wrote and realised that he was mistaken before to refer to it as "informed criticism". I've asked the question in the comments.

I'm also intrigued, however, by the idea that the millennial temperature reconstructions don't matter, and I wonder how often he has written about these unimportant studies in the past. Moreover, as I pointed out in the Hockey Stick Illusion the story of the Hockey Stick and its acolytes in the spaghetti graph have a great deal to tell us about the credibility of the IPCC - the same body that informs what Revkin calls the "established basics".  I really wonder if Revkin might find a reading of HSI time well spent.

I'm continually amused by the effect that the Hockey Stick Illusion has on people on the other side of this debate - many respond in Revkinesque fashion - they're too busy, or I'm not credible, or it's not important  or whatever. Others actually buy the book and rake through it, but most then just go very very quiet. As Judith Curry said some time ago, the Hockey Stick Illusion is a test of people's open mindedness on global warming. There are still a lot of  people failing that test.

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