Weasel words
Jul 28, 2010
Bishop Hill in Climate: other, FOI

The University of East Anglia has just announced that it is to become involved in a major new initiative in data openness - I kid you not.

Climate scientists at the University of East Anglia will soon be demonstrating new methods of providing open access to research data - thanks to a major new investment from JISC to improve the way UK university researchers manage their data.

JISC, for those of you who don't know, is the Joint Information Systems Committee, a government body that pays for IT projects. But look out for the weasel words in this next bit...

The UEA team, led by Dr Tim Osborn, is one of eight departments around the country who will be working towards models of better data management practice and making data more openly available for reuse in universities across the UK.

Surely they are not going to try to get away with that...?

Article originally appeared on (http://www.bishop-hill.net/).
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