IAC blanks M&M
Jun 10, 2010
Bishop Hill in Climate: McIntyre, Climate: McKitrick

The Interacademies Panel - the one that is investigating IPCC process and procedures as a result of Climategate - is going to be holding hearings in Montreal.

Great, I hear you say. That means that they'll be able to invite McIntyre and McKitrick.

'fraid not.

The invited speakers do include a sceptic, in the shape of John Christy. They are even flying in Bob Watson from the UK and Hans von Storch from Germany. But will they invite the two people who have been at the centre of criticisms of the IPCC, who know more about the breaches of rules and procedure that went on ahead of Climategate, and who live, if not just round the corner, then at least handily close?

Don't be silly.

The IAC is inviting comments on its website. I think this omission is worthy of (polite) comment, don't you?


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