The US House of Representatives Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming has been having hearings on Climategate and more particularly the Oxburgh report. In the words of the committee's web page.
The scientists addressed the claims of deniers head-on. Thursday’s panel featured a member of the investigative panel convened by the University of East Anglia and led by Lord Ron Oxburgh to review the stolen emails from that school’s Climactic Research Unit. The “Oxburgh Inquiry” exonerated the scientists who were attacked following the emails, saying they “saw no evidence of any deliberate scientific malpractice in any of the work.”
They did say that didn't they? I guess what you see is very much driven by where you look.
I'll try to get a look at the presentations when I get a minute. In the meantime, it's remarkable to compare the House Committee's take on Oxburgh with Joe Farman's from the previous post.