Big smoke again
May 24, 2010
Bishop Hill in Books

I'm off to London again later this week - having not been for years, this is now the second time in a month. This time I'm going (British Airways and Icelandic volcanos permitting) to the launch of the next two titles in Stacey International's Independent Minds series, of which The Hockey Stick Illusion forms a part.

Bob Carter's Climate: The Counter Consensus, is a popular account of sceptic positions on climatology and I imagine will get a great deal of attention. Stacey have kindly let me have a peek at the proofs and I think I'm going to enjoy this one.

The other book is by the French sceptic Christian Gerondeau. His book, The Climate Delusion, takes issue with the mitigation strategies being proposed by governments around the world and was a big success in France, where it was published as CO2, Un Mythe Planetaire.


It's very exciting to find myself in such exalted company. Carter and Gerondeau apart, the invitation comes from Stacey and Nigel Lawson, so I expect there to be some big hitters present. And with a bit of luck there should be some media people there for me to chat up too.

Josh is coming along to do some cartoons of the whole thing and of course I'll write a report on the day's events. Then there are more people to see and more stuff to do before flying back north the following day.

I really must try to earn a living some time.



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