Climate cuttings 45
Dec 15, 2010
Bishop Hill in Climate: Cuttings

Blogging will remain light for the time being, as I try to get on top of the day job and the house ahead of Christmas. In the meantime, here are a few bits and pieces I've noticed recently.

A German meteorologist wonders if we are about to enter another little ice age.

Eric Steig makes some interesting observations about the reliability of the Guardian in the comments at RealClimate:

The Guardian is not exactly a reliable outlet in my experience.

I'm with him on that one.

The Wikileaks cables revealed that the office of Todd Stern, the lawyer who headed the US's negotiating team at Copenhagen, was targeted by a phishing attack. Peter Sinclair portrays these events as "climate scientists subject to cyber attack. (My emphasis)

The AGU appointed green activist Chris Mooney to its board. Even many enthusiasts for the AGW cause were horrified by this politicisation of a scientific body - see the comments in this thread at Bad Astronomy.

A new climate change toolkit for parliamentarians has this startling news:

Climate change can, in many instances, accentuate existing gender inequalities.

This would seem to confirm the widely held belief that we are run by a gang of halfwits.

Cancun ended on a whimper, which one commenter described as a best-case outcome for sceptics. Apparently video of bureaucrats partying at the Mexican beachside was a bit of a faux pas. In the aftermath of the meeting, the House of Commons Energy and Climate Change Committee will take evidence from DECC's team at the negotiations. If anyone can bear listening to two groups of environmentalists agreeing with each other for several hours, the meeting will be webcast here.

Looking for work? The Science Media Centre are recruiting. Who could turn down the opportunity to work with Bob Ward and Fiona Fox?

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