This week marks the first anniversary of Climategate and it looks as though the media are not unaware of this. As a result there are a number of stories on the climate front today.
The Guardian sets out their case that the scientists have been exonerated but that damage may have been done to "the cause".
Booker reckons the climate change movement is dying on its feet, but says that politicians are carrying on regardless. Booker's ideas seems to be echoed by who report the Scientific American poll results and conclude that it's curtains for the warmists.
If the global warming movement is about to meet its demise, then it's probably a good idea for warmists to have their fun while the going is still good. A trip to Bangladesh to play with the idea of a court where poor countries could sue rich ones over climate change probably sounded like a good wheeze.
It was only a mock tribunal, organised by Oxfam, but it explored the growing idea that the largest carbon emitters should be bound by international law to protect the lives and livelihoods of those most at risk from the impacts of climate change.
I can hear standing orders to Oxfam being cancelled as we speak.
David Henderson has picked up on the Deutsche Bank sceptic-bashing paper and the embarrassing shambles the scientists concerned seem to have got themselves into. As Henderson asks "It would be interesting to know whether The Deutsche Bank officials who sponsored and approved this deeply flawed initiative took the precaution of submitting a draft for expert review to persons not already firmly convinced that the 'skeptics' have been refuted."
The Scotsman reports that the lights are going to go out in Scotland shortly. The politicians can't say they didn't know.