I thought the committee's performance was much better than last time around - I got the impression of best efforts being made by most members, but it's always difficult for people coming to an issue fresh to properly question people with an in-depth knowledge. This is only worse when the witnesses are such expert dodgers and weavers and avoiders of questions.
When you are live-blogging you can't really watch the video, so I'd like to take another look at how the witnesses reacted. There are certainly a number of the responses where the answers appeared to contradict my understanding of the facts. There was obviously also a great deal of waffling and avoiding of questions, particularly by Russell. One hopes that the committee were suitably unimpressed.
The question now becomes whether the committee will issue a report, take the issue forward in some other way, or simply let it drop. I have no feeling for which way they will turn. They can have little doubt that all was not well with the inquiries, and logic would therefore dictate that they take some further action. But of course, logic is not always a factor in matters of public policy.