Climate Audit had a fascinating post showing how the IPCC removed all hint of how clouds might mitigate any CO2-induced warming from their Fourth Assessment Report. Truly scandalous.
A new paper in Science found that the effect of soot in the air is less than previously thought. The implication is that the IPCC's estimates of how CO2 effects us is overdone.
Another new paper concludes that recent warming in the Arctic is due to natural variation rather than climate change.
One the warmist side of the argument, a new paper claimed that uncertainty over the impact of the various inputs into the climate system made it more likely that the climate was sensitive to CO2.
The El Nino-related warming flagged by GISS for June started to appear in the satellite data.
The horrors of global warming struck again, with... record low temperatures for July recorded in the North-East US.
Sea level rise seems to have paused since back in 2006. This was the source of some contention between Pielke Snr and the warmers at RealClimate a week or so ago. Looks like Pielke was correct.