The precipitous descent of the Times from the newspaper of record into a propaganda sheet for greens is something to behold.
Today's "news" features an article by environment editor, Jonathan Leake, in which he reports that Britain will experience 3-4oC temperature rises by 2080. This is so entirely daft, I hardly know where to begin. It's hardly even controversial that climate models are not particularly skillful. Even the IPCC only predicts 2 degrees per century, and this claim is on the verge of being falsified just a few years after it was made.
In fact, there is not a single climate model that is skillful at regional or seasonal levels. Not one. And yet here we have Leake quoting Nigel Arnell, professor of climate science at Reading University as saying these outcomes are "likely". This is deeply unscientific.
Interestingly, the Met Office report on which the Leake article is based turns out not to have been released yet. I wonder if it's actually rather more hedged about with caveats than the headlines would suggest?
As far as I can tell, Prof Arnell is an economist, which might help explain why he gets this so terribly wrong.