So schools don't indoctrinate do they?
Feb 26, 2009
Bishop Hill in Education

My intemperate rant about Home Education continues to attract interest. If nothing else, it has been useful in publicising the issue.

One thread people may not have seen is by Chris Dillow, who rather misses the point of my post when he gently takes me to task for not providing evidence that HE is better than school. The post was of course about civil liberties and whether the state has a stronger claim on children than the family. It doesn't matter if HE is better or worse on average.

In the comments, Shuggy, himself a schoolteacher, makes light of my suggestion that schools might be indoctrinating children rather than educating them. In my experience it is pretty much naked indoctrination most of the time.

Which brings us to the Englishman's post this morning in which he shows us one of his kids' homework for last night. This isn't indoctrination?



Update on Feb 26, 2009 by Registered CommenterBishop Hill

More reactions to the HE post:

Renegade Parent.

What shall we do today?



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