Balen decision published
Feb 11, 2009
Bishop Hill in BBC

The House of Lords decision on the Balen report is here.

Update on Feb 11, 2009 by Registered CommenterBishop Hill

Lord Phillips of Worth Matravers: I am satisfied that the Tribunal had jurisdiction to make the decision that it did. I would allow this appeal.

Lord Hoffmann:I would dismiss the appeal.

Lord Hope of Craighead:I would base my agreement with their conclusion primarily on the way I think the Act should be read and, in particular, the effect of listing the BBC by name in the Schedule. In my opinion this is, in itself, a sufficient reason for allowing the appeal.

Baroness Hale of Richmond: I too would dismiss this appeal.

Lord Neuberger of Abbotsbury: I, too, would allow Mr Sugar’s appeal.


3:2 to allow the appeal. Ya beauty!



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