Here's a smashing new site. In fact it's so good, I was actually thinking of doing something like it myself, except I don't have the time or technical savvy to do it well. bills itself as "a directory of those so-called charities that receive substantial funding from either the UK or EU governments".
There is no doubt that the British state is much much larger than is thought. Usually you only see the big parasites - the government departments, local authorities, quangos. But lurking under stones everywhere there are legions of bloodsucking civil servants masquerading as Mother Theresas and Mahatma Gandhis.
Here's an example of one of their entries: Alcohol Concern, which had income of half a million pounds, and raised just £5 grand in donations.
I've just submitted the Royal Society to the database. 68% of its income comes from government. Why don't you have a go too?