Basher for Liberty news 12
Jun 29, 2008
Bishop Hill in Civil liberties

 Plenty of interesting comment on the civil liberties front over the weekend. Here's some of the best.

The debate

Liberal England tells the story of how we came to be under nearly constant surveillance.

Brian Micklethwait takes David Davis to task over demand for better CCTV cameras. 

Marina Hyde wonders why we were never asked for our opinions on becoming a surveillance state.

The Adam Smith Institute has pertinent quote from Woodrow Wilson.

Tony Benn covers ID cards and 42 days in an article for the Telegraph. He also rolls in the Lisbon Treaty, which, while I agree with his stance, risks conflating two separate issues.

Henry Porter looks to the Conservative party for support for Davis.

Helienne Lindvall describes how the Swedish ID card has been used to harass people with inconvenient political views.

The Devil's Kitchen thinks that a UK ID card will make it much harder for young women to flee arranged marriages.

Tittle tattle

The Independent reports that the PR firm Davis is using also work for security companies involved in ID cards. So?

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