Adam Smith in bronze
Jun 24, 2008
Bishop Hill in Liberalism

The long-awaited statue of Adam Smith is due to be unveiled in Edinburgh next month at a ceremony on the Royal Mile. To mark the occasion the ASI has organised a debate on the motion that "This house would prefer to be led by the invisible hand". For the motion will be Michael Forsyth, Madsen Pirie and a former world debating champion. Against are MPs Brian Wilson (Lab) and Alex Neil (SNP) together with a former Observer Mace champion.

Who knows, I might even drag myself away from my rural idyll for one of these.

For anyone interested, the details are:

RECEPTION AND DEBATE Thursday 3 July 2008 In The Caves, 8-12 Niddry Street South, Edinburgh EH1 1NS (off Cowgate) 6.30pm for 7pm

UNVEILING OF THE ADAM SMITH STATUE Friday 4 July 2008 High Street, Edinburgh, near Parliament Square and the Mercat Cross 12.00 noon for 12.15pm.

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