Global warming to stop
May 1, 2008
Bishop Hill in Climate: Models, Climate: Surface

As the global warming fraternity seeks to explain away the lack of any actual observable warming, they've come up with a whole new explanation - that the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation will wipe out any warming for the next few decades. Even the most observant followers of the climate debate will have failed to notice anyone mentioning that the AMO might have been boosting temperatures in recent decades. And neither will they have seen any inkling of this fall in temperatures being predicted by the IPCC.

Which brings us on to this quote from the climatologist Roger Pielke Snr (via CCNet):

If global cooling over the next few decades is consistent with model predictions, then so too is pretty much anything and everything under the sun. This means that from a practical standpoint climate models are of no practical use beyond providing some intellectual authority in the promotional battle over global climate policy.

Looks like all the IPCC projections may just be bunk. 


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