Al Gore's carbon footprint
Apr 16, 2008
Bishop Hill in Climate: Gore




His itinerary goes like this:

May 4, 2008--Ohio
May 3, 2008--Philadelphia
April 15, 2008--Geneva
April 11, 2008--San Francisco
April 8, 2008--Iceland
April 5, 2008--Montreal
March 18, 2008--New York
March 15, 2008--India
March 12, 2008--Poland
March 11, 2008--Geneva
March 1, 2008--Monterey, California
February 14, 2008--New York City
January 31, 2008--Atlanta
January 24, 2008--Switzerland
January 19, 2008--Park City, Utah

More at Tom Nelson, who notes that Al Gore thinks you shouldn't be able to choose what kind of lightbulb you use at home.


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