Lord Mancroft's outburst about the nurses in Bath is the subject of a posting over at Liberal Conspiracy. Alix Mortimer reckons the nursing profession is up in arms about Mancroft's remarks. Strangely though, this outrage is not reflected in the blogosphere, with the vast majority of postings collected on Technorati being broadly supportive of the peer's position.
What changed times we live in when a slack-jawed Tory peer can criticise the angels of the nursing profession and be cheered for doing it.
These are the postings: for, against, and undeclared.
For Lord Mancroft (11)
Tony Sharp
Mental nurse
Tangled Web
Dr Grumble
Random Thoughts
Conservative Home
England Expects
Dr Grumble
Bishop Hill
Ben Brogan
Jammie Wearing Fool
Against Lord Mancroft (5)
Prison Law Inside Out
Hot Ginger & Dynamite
Curly's Cornershop
Byrne Baby Byrne
On the fence (5)