"So to reward savers, pensioners and hard working families, my aim now and in the next Parliament is to ensure that more of savers', pensioners' and working people's income, now taxed at the 22 pence rate, should be taxed at the lower 10 pence rate. And I propose to make a start today with a one billion pounds a year tax cut [...]
A measure which will benefit 25 million taxpayers."
Gordon Brown 2001
"So to punish savers, pensioners and hard working families, my aim now and in the next Parliament is to ensure that more of savers', pensioners' and working people's income, now taxed at the 10 pence rate, should be taxed at the higher 20 pence rate. And I propose to make a start today with a one billion pounds a year tax rise. [...]
A measure which will harm 25 million taxpayers."
Gordon Brown 2007 (or his thought process, at least).